Born and raised in London, my natural speaking voice is a modern British RP.
It is that elegant, warm and confident tone that I have brought to a range of projects, from commercials and corporate narrations, to documentary reads, e-learning, podcasts and video games.
But my training as an actor and dialect coach allows me to go beyond my natural range and adopt a wide panel of accents from across the British Isles, Europe and the Commonwealth.



Animation & Video Games

I have lived in Canada since 2017, and have been working in a range of North American dialects and accents for as long as I can remember! You'll find some of my American Work below.



Animation & Video Games

I grew up speaking (European) French alongside English - in fact, I went to school at the French Lycée in London, and spent 15 years living and working in France and in French. I like to think of myself as having two mother tongues... or a mother tongue and a father tongue, if you like.



Hello, I’m Tom Morton.
I was born in London to a British father and French mother, and that's why I speak both languages like a native.
I’ve appeared in film, on TV and in the theatre, and I’ve also had the good fortune of discovering my true passion: doing silly voices.
Who knew a hobby could become a job? From cartoons to video-games, I’ve been a German lederhosen wearing volcano, a medieval drill sergeant, a portly policeman, an excitable lion, all manner of ghouls and demons, as well as some even less charming creatures than that… whilst also voicing more serious projects like documentaries, corporate explainers, e-learning courses, and international advertising campaigns for brands including Dior, Martel, Givenchy, Yves Saint-Laurent & L’Oréal Paris.
With expertise in French, British English, and North American English, as well as a range of dialects and voices, I bring characters to life and add depth to every project.

Exceeding Expectations

I have worked with some of the world's most recognisable brands across a range of industries and genres. Here are just a few of them.